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About the Author





Frequently Asked Questions

How did you come up with this story? I was looking out my window and suddenly I had an idea about a kid named Nikolas who had his house burn down and his parents supposedly die. I got the idea about the dream that told the future because then I was reading up on dreams that sometimes tell the future.

Did you design this website yourself? Pretty much. I got some help.

What’s going to happen next? Stick around, the next part of the story is coming up on Nov. 1st!

Where did those cool names come from? Truly, I have no idea. I saw a movie with an “alien” named Klatú so that’s how I thought of his name. Some of the names are names of people I know. For example, Nikolas’s mom’s name, Aloysia (Al-oh-ish-a), is the name of one of my friends.

When did you first start writing stories? When I was about four or five I wrote a story called Nights of the Black Cat about my cat, Eddie, and my aunt bound it so it resembled a real book! I was very excited.

Do you recall reading your first book? No, but I remember reading my first real chapter book. It was The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. If you have not read it, you should! It is hilarious and filled with puns! When I was five, I started reading Harry Potter and I have loved it ever since.

More FAQs coming soon!